Do you think Micro or Macro? by Chris Koopman

Tipped Over Jar of Coins

Do you think Micro or Macro?

Christopher Koopman    Contributor: PowerPassionProsperity

I have been in the Financial space since 2003.  When I reflect on the early years of my career, I think how grateful I was to have had incredible mentors.  My stepfather has been in the financial industry for over 45 years.  If it was not for him, I most likely wouldn’t be writing this article.  He introduced me to great mentors who helped me create the foundation of my practice today.  I will leave these mentors nameless, but to compare them to professional sports, would be like learning golf from Phil Mickelson.  I was extremely fortunate to learn early in my career about macro financial thinking.  What exactly does this mean?


Chris Koopman Macro vs Micro Thinking Financial Article

Hope everyone enjoyed this month’s special advice from Chris Koopman!

May all of you have an empowering week!

WJ Vincent II


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About the author, WJ

WJ Vincent II is a life long entrepreneur who has been building businesses from start-up to success for almost 30 years. Some of those businesses have been as diverse as lake-shore development in northern Wisconsin and Minnesota, day trading, advertising, telecommunications, internet, health and nutrition, as well as environmental products.