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Maria Emmerich has written 8 cookbooks on a ketogenic diet. Her passion and knowledge will help you understand how easy…
ListenWhen we set out on an unfamiliar journey it is comforting to have GPS to help us get to our…
ListenThere are a lot of differing opinions on the best strategies for wealth accumulation and retirement planning. Have you heard…
Listen95% of business owners struggle identifying what causes them to experience poor sales and revenue, high turnover, stagnant growth and…
ListenWe all make poor choices in life but Rickie Hodges made a choice that cost him 7 yrs. of freedom.…
ListenAnxiety and stress are far to common in todays world. In fact it so common, that 20% of the population…
ListenThis week Kerri Birkley, entrepreneur, wife and mother shares her inspirational story. She reveals how she went from bankruptcy to…
ListenMost Americans know that today’s healthcare system is inefficient, ineffective and to expensive. This week AJ Sherman discusses how his…
ListenWhat is the real truth behind a ketogenic diet? What’s facts and what’s fiction? How does Ketosis work and is…
ListenEveryone is capable of being a great leader. Leadership is not an inherent trait but rather its a learned skill.…
ListenYou have been selected over millennia to genetically express psychological health more than you”ll ever need, to experience a wonderful…
ListenCreating a wealth mindset is the first step to attracting more wealth into your life. How do you do that?…
ListenWelcome To The Power Passion Prosperity Podcast with Dr. Jay LaGuardia, A Best-Selling Author, & One of the World's Foremost Experts on Fitness, Business, and Health.