How To Become A Goal Slayer In The New Year!

A significant portion of society will make a New Years resolution this week. Why do we do this? The fact is 94% of all resolutions will be broken by the end of the second week of the year. Talk about a waste of time! This week we share the 4 step process to becoming a Goal Slayer that will help you crush every goal you could possibly imagine. This will help build your self-worth and self confidence. 

Check out this episode!

About the author, Dr. Jay LaGuardia

Dr. Jay LaGuardia has spent over 20 years teaching, coaching, and training patients and chiropractors alike the keys to a better life. Having built several successful business, and improved the health and quality of life of thousands of patients, Dr. Jay LaGuardia now focuses on helping people from all walks of life to achieve all their hopes and dreams.