6 Masters Enlighten Us with Their Life Changing Knowledge & Wisdom

Recently I hosted our 2021 kickoff virtual Summit which featured 6 amazing coaches in their field of expertise. On this week’s show we take a deep dive into the life changing gems each presenter shared with our audience. You will learn how to move away from fear and live more intuitively. James Williams shares the 6 steps to becoming a high performer and Jared Boyle discusses the health habits to increase your energy while reaching your full potential. Plus, so much more…

Check out this episode!

About the author, Dr. Jay LaGuardia

Dr. Jay LaGuardia has spent over 20 years teaching, coaching, and training patients and chiropractors alike the keys to a better life. Having built several successful business, and improved the health and quality of life of thousands of patients, Dr. Jay LaGuardia now focuses on helping people from all walks of life to achieve all their hopes and dreams.