Don’t Wait For Someone Else To Fix It, The Importance of High Performance Leadership

As a young entrepreneur I was full of ambition, drive and energy however I struggled mightily. In fact my struggles were so profound I nearly lost it all until I learned the secret to all success. The one missing ingredient was leadership. It seems so simple but learning how to lead is a skillset. I have spent the next 30 years studying this thing called leadership. This week I am excited to interview two gentlemen who help organizations large and small develop leaders to help build and grow great companies. They are the founders of Think 2 Perform.

Check out this episode!

About the author, Dr. Jay LaGuardia

Dr. Jay LaGuardia has spent over 20 years teaching, coaching, and training patients and chiropractors alike the keys to a better life. Having built several successful business, and improved the health and quality of life of thousands of patients, Dr. Jay LaGuardia now focuses on helping people from all walks of life to achieve all their hopes and dreams.

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